We're building Drupal 9 at Digital Garden
Drupal 9 is slated for a stable release mid-2020, meaning Drupal 8 sites that are maintained and up-to-date – as all of Digital Garden’s clients’ Drupal sites are – will be ready to migrate soon after with minimal fuss and expense.
The need to migrate Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 sites sooner rather than later is driven by the fact that both versions will reach their end-of-life mark in November 2022 and November 2021 respectively. Essentially, the official Drupal security team will no longer maintain these versions nor keep them secure. If your organisation remains on the unsupported versions, it means your risk of hacking may increase with time as support falls away.
With two major versions of Drupal coming to an end over the next year the time is now to get moving and avoid the rush for help from expert Drupal houses such as Digital Garden.
Digital Garden is approaching all of our clients regarding Drupal 7 or Drupal 8-to-Drupal 9 upgrades over the coming months. We welcome you to say hello if you are looking for a new agency partnership with a Drupal house that can provide a well-executed, smooth migration for your organisation.